'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.' ~ from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
America's most popular flower is also one of the very oldest flowers in cultivation. There are over 2,000 different rose varieties to lure us with their history and fragrance. This is because the rose, like the orchid, cross-breeds readily a trait exploited first by nature, and then by horticulturalists. Today, we can choose from old-fashioned favorites, as well as modern varieties that are the result of intensive breeding programs throughout the world. The rose is a flower with a rich past, and an exciting future. The important thing is to select a rose that you find beautiful, and that suits your garden.
Through hybridization some very exciting unusual colored roses have been created and made available to the public. Below I have listed the 10 most different colorations in my opinion. Enjoy.

1. IRISH CREME: Hybrid Tea, Bred by Astor Perry (United States, 1999).
Introduced in United States by Certified Roses in 2000 as 'Irish Crime'.
Buff to light apricot. Moderate, spice fragrance. Average diameter 4". Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Medium, upright. Medium, matte, medium green foliage. Height of 5' (150 cm). USDA zone 7b and warmer. Can be used for cut flower or garden. Disease susceptibility: susceptible to rust .

2. ENCHANTED EVENING: Hybrid Tea, Introduced for 2009 by Jackson and Perkins this 3-4 foot lavender floribunda is being touted as one of the best lavenders ever. With glossy green disease resistant foliage and a strong citrus aroma the large clusters of lavender blooms make this rose perfect for beds; rose or perennial, containers or as a hedge.

3. MEMPHIS MUSIC: Miniflora rose, Wells 2006. A striking dark red sport of Memphis Magic that has bright yellow flecks throughout each petal. The rose definitely exhibits as evidenced by several queens of show in 2012 and 2013. It also makes for the most beautiful English Box entry one could ever want. Unfortunately, this miniflora rose tends to be very unstable and it is not uncommon to find Memphis Magic and Top Contender on the same bush. We do not ship a plant until we see it bloom thus trying to insure that what you order is what you receive. This novelty rose will last forever on the bush with the petals turning brown if not timely cut but, seeing an open bloom is not likely. Disease resistance is exceptional with a regular spray program.

4. PURPLE TIGER: Floribunda, This is an extremely novel beauty with every petal a varying masterpiece of amazing purple, lavender and white stripes, streaks, flecks, dots and dashes. Plus there's a powerful perfume of citrus blossom and rose. She's a little fussy to grow as roses go. But each blossom will convince you to keep up the effort Comments: Best flower size and purple color in cooler conditions. Color: Striped and flecked purple and white. Hybridizer: Christensen-1991 Parentage: Intrigue x Pinstripe

5. BLACK BACCARA: Hybrid Tea, Hybridizer: Meilland, 2000. While bred for the florist trade, this one of a kind hybrid tea also has what it takes to flourish in outdoor gardens. The velvety texture of the petals and unique burgundy-black color of the blooms is an instant success in any cutting garden. The flowers last up to 2 weeks in a vase. Semi-glossy dark green foliage lines the long stems. Enjoy flushes of these beauties throughout the season. Grown own root. Flower Size: 3-4". Fragrance: None.

6. Barbara Streisand Rose: Hybrid Tea, Hybridizer Carruth, 2001. This impressive rose shares star qualities with the dynamic woman for whom it is named. The striking foliage and healthy habit of the bush command a dramatic stage presence, but it is the masses of deep lavender buds gradually opening into layers of lavender tones that will turn all eyes. She asked for fragrance and got it. Flower Size: 4-6". Fragrance: Strong rose.

7. Variegata Di Bologna: Bourbon rose, Italy 1909 Variegata Di Bologna Large, cupped 5" flowers (petals 60+) of creamy white cleanly striped with purple crimson. One of the most striking of the striped roses providing a fantastic display and only a few later blooms. A strong upright repeat blooming bush that will benefit from training up a support (like a pillar rose) to make it a standout in the garden.

8. Crested Moss: Moss Rose, Though technically a Centifolia, we list it here as a Moss. Fully double, very fragrant, cabbage-style 2" blooms of rich pink with heavy mossing on the buds. A strong, upright once blooming bush with light green foliage. Also known as Chapeau de Napoleon, as the mossing on the buds resemble Napoleons Hat. Fragrant.

9. BULLS EYE: Shrub rose, bred by Peter James of the United Kingdom. A hybridizing breakthrough developed a reblooming Rose with an "eye". Petals marked with red at the base form an unusual, strikingly beautiful reddish violet center in each ivory semidouble blossom. This vigorous Shrub Rose has a sweet spice fragrance, is nearly thornless, and very resistant to black spot.The cranberry eye zone set at the base of each creamy white petal might remind you of 'Rose of Sharon' and it keeps that novel marking until the flower finishes. This bushy plant has superb black spot resistance. Better habit and bloom capacity in colder climates. One of the first ever repeat-blooming Hulthemia roses, Bull's Eye, , represents years of hybridizing in an effort to capture the novelty of Hulthemia persica blooms with the repeat-blooming characteristics of modern roses.

10. Paradise: Hybrid Tea Rose, Hybridizer: Weeks, 1979. Nirvana is not far off when you encounter this rose. Breathe in its light fruity scent as you gaze at the enormous, unusual blooms, and it will be apparent why it's called Paradise. This continually-blooming, easy-to-grow, disease-resistant plant never ceases to amaze. Its clean, true lavender blooms open to reveal loads of petals tipped in magenta-pink. Flower size: 4". Fragrance: Moderate, fruity.
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